SHARED ROOTS: Wisdom of the Stones
cosy adventure puzzle
A problem-solving game about wisdom, magic and the hard things in life.
In SHARED ROOTS: Wisdom of the Stones the player helps a young woman lay down roots in a new land.
Stranded at a six-thousand-year-old stone circle in the English Midlands, the protagonist learns to use the stones to channel the wisdom of her ancestors. To access this wisdom, she must first solve a series of puzzles. Through playful interactions the player discovers the character's struggle to put her past behind her, lay down roots, and build a life.
SHARED ROOTS: Wisdom of the Stones is a 2.5D isometric puzzle game with bespoke score, based on the music of the region.

"I really enjoyed the concept and see ancient monuments as an untapped niche for video games. Each puzzle was unique and required a good but of thought to solve, which made them satisfying. I'm excited to see where the story goes from here."
- Danny
"I really liked the setting, I always have a lot of time for standing stones and fae vibes. The puzzles were difficult but satisfying to solve and I enjoyed the spectacle behind each one, I also found the variety impressive considering the scale of the game."
- Jack
Early build reviews via itch.io
"The game look is really neat, music is so pleasant as well. "Overall, so cool!"
- Sakeiru
"Very interesting narrative!"
- Gerben Pasjes
"I really liked the music. The story was interesting to follow."
- Smos Bois
"I quite liked the game... the story is endearing."
- Mato